Indigitus Week Update: July 11 – 18, 2021

  • Diving deeper into the engineering and software side. Our team is all getting their hands even dirtier on learning the CLI (command line) of Sentinel as a client and a node.

  • Sentinel is looking to launch their Cosmos / Tendermint desktop client, which will help us a lot on the developments.

  • Structuring more deals with youtubers and other influencers

  • Growing our engineering team and capabilities

  • White color prototypes in transit to Thailand for video and photo and prepping for launch.

A lot happening! Just as any healthy startup - need to balance product and marketing. We want to grow our team and capabilities on the product side and engineering. We have an amazing alliance with Sentinel via Exidio (who is also an investor) - yet we want to grow our team’s own internal capabilities as well.

There is also new products in the pipeline which are way too early to disclose but we are really enjoying what we are making and growing.

If you are a hardware engineer looking to work with a software/hardware router startup building on the dWeb - Indigitus is a great one for you to check out. Referrals and cold emails are welcome.

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