As we are preparing for the launch of the first Indigitus dweb miner router - we want to take a pause and celebrate - REMIND - all of us about the holiday - Indigenous People’s day, today on Oct 11, 2021
Often people confuse our brand name Indigitus with Indigenous - and this was not a mistake in our branding.

What Is Indigenous? Who are Indigenous People?

But in all seriousness - we need to bring people back to the roots of culture and living.
This is what many in blockchain and crypto stand for - to bring life back to the people. Decentralization and prior ways of living in villages and groups of people are more in alignment than the world’s current centralized global superpower governments who govern the people.
Life isn’t about mass produced food and multinational corporations forcing products down our throats.
Life is about taking care of your family and friends and those you love around you.
Decentralized Web Is Breathing Life Back Into Micro Cultures

The blockchains we use allow the money and the power to stay with the people who are using it. By running a node on Sentinel, with the help of Indigitus (for ease of use and plug and play and support), you are allowing people from around the world to connect to YOU.
And by being a client (user) on the Sentinel network, you are a request to connect to ANOTHER human being on the other side of the blockchain.
This is taking out the middle, the centralization of those centralized server companies who capture your data (and your life) and use it for their own profit.
So Join Us In Celebrating Indigenous People’s Day - For Decentrlaization
We hope you are onboard with this day of decentralization.
To bring back the way humans are meant to live - as a small group of people sharing their resources amongst each other. Tribes, and families and friends helping one another.
Keeping the resources it shares between itself within itself. Not sending all of it to centralized massive corporations who seize the data and use it without your consent.

I’m all for going back grassroots and indigenous, and I believe this is what decentralization and the blockchain offer us.
If you’d like to join Indigitus in our launch of a people powered plug and play hardware router miner on top of Sentinel’s DVPN protocol - make sure you are on the launch email list here - and let's continue to unleash the internet and bring it back to the people.